Board Positions and Duties
The Board of The Smoking Guns shall consist of the officers, including a President, Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer; and up to five Members-at-Large. They shall be members of both Sisters in Crime, Inc. and The Smoking Guns These officers and Members-at-Large shall constitute the Board. Each officer may serve one two-year elected consecutive terms in the same capacity. In the event that a decision needs to be made quickly without time to poll the general members, the Board may make that decision. Votes, which may be collected by e-mail, shall be tabulated and recorded by the Secretary. Members-at-Large are elected to one year terms.
The President shall preside at (or delegate a representative to) all membership meetings and call and preside at all meetings of the Board. The President sets goals and responsibilities, serves as ad hoc member of any standing committees, polls members on major decisions, keeps members informed, serves as group spokesperson, acts as liaison with other Sisters in Crime, Inc. chapters or related organizations, plans special events, and performs such other duties as the Board may from time to time determine. To submit chapter news to the parent SinC newsletter; write a chapter newsletter on an ad hoc basis, contact and respond to media inquiries; keep a record of member authors’ published work; update information on the chapter website; maintain chapter information on social media websites.
A Vice-President shall substitute for all or part of the above if the President is unable to fulfill her obligations, attend Board meetings, and serve as Program Chair. Duties are delineated in Article VI, Section 1. 1) and 2) respectively.
The Secretary shall take minutes at all general membership and Board meetings, handle correspondence in coordination with the President, keep a file of publications and publicity, and perform such other duties as may be directed by the Board.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for all financial matters of The Smoking Guns, including the collection of dues and other income and payment of expenses, maintain bank account(s), keep accurate financial accounts, and prepare and submit a financial statement whenever the Board or general membership requests it. The Treasurer, or any person or persons designated by the Board, may make disbursements from the treasury as authorized by a majority vote of the Board and general membership. The Treasurer shall also keep a computerized spreadsheet or list of all members, including the payment of annual chapter dues with current contact information and to confirm membership in SinC-National.
Members-at-Large shall serve as-needed on special projects as defined and designated by the Board.
The President shall preside at (or delegate a representative to) all membership meetings and call and preside at all meetings of the Board. The President sets goals and responsibilities, serves as ad hoc member of any standing committees, polls members on major decisions, keeps members informed, serves as group spokesperson, acts as liaison with other Sisters in Crime, Inc. chapters or related organizations, plans special events, and performs such other duties as the Board may from time to time determine. To submit chapter news to the parent SinC newsletter; write a chapter newsletter on an ad hoc basis, contact and respond to media inquiries; keep a record of member authors’ published work; update information on the chapter website; maintain chapter information on social media websites.
A Vice-President shall substitute for all or part of the above if the President is unable to fulfill her obligations, attend Board meetings, and serve as Program Chair. Duties are delineated in Article VI, Section 1. 1) and 2) respectively.
The Secretary shall take minutes at all general membership and Board meetings, handle correspondence in coordination with the President, keep a file of publications and publicity, and perform such other duties as may be directed by the Board.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for all financial matters of The Smoking Guns, including the collection of dues and other income and payment of expenses, maintain bank account(s), keep accurate financial accounts, and prepare and submit a financial statement whenever the Board or general membership requests it. The Treasurer, or any person or persons designated by the Board, may make disbursements from the treasury as authorized by a majority vote of the Board and general membership. The Treasurer shall also keep a computerized spreadsheet or list of all members, including the payment of annual chapter dues with current contact information and to confirm membership in SinC-National.
Members-at-Large shall serve as-needed on special projects as defined and designated by the Board.